HCLA’s We Are Fest

An extraordinary exercise in team-building and a community defining event.

With collaboration already at the heart of the curriculum across all majors at HCLA, Jeremy as Associate Dean aimed to unify stakeholders around a common purpose… to emerge from the volatility of the past in a way that set the stage for long term growth and sustainability…

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The DOer’s Roadmap

Staff training From the Imagination Up.

The objective of The DOer’s Roadmap was to teach teachers to operate creatively within a framework, introduce them to DiscoveryOnstage, its process and its values, and invite them into a story where they and their students would be among its protagonists.

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Providence High Arts

A profound client relationship and a new reason to enroll.

After winning the contract, DiscoveryOnstage, the theatre education company Jeremy founded and helped to lead for sixteen years, crafted a three part strategy: develop a formal, multi-level theatre arts curriculum, transform the existing performance space into something the school could both afford and proudly showcase, and create an arts culture rooted in excellence… 

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Hussian’s Press Play

An out-of-the-box approach to culture build.

As a result of a series of acquisitions, Hussian College inherited a large, decentralized, and predictably skeptical roster of staff, faculty, and students. Shifting from a single campus to a college-system model and lacking experience with cross-campus communication, leadership faced the possibility that, for lack of of a well defined culture,  they’d lose the individuals they would need in order to keep their evolving business afloat…

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The Pilot Project

A curricular bridge toward industry.

Through a carefully organized curriculum and a series of guest lecturers and crafted competitions, participants (ages 13-20) spent four weeks learning to write, perform, produce and pitch. They were guided throughout the process by the Imagination Up Productions (a sub-brand of DiscoveryOnstage) team comprised of a working television development executive, two professional actor/educators, three animation consultants and a technical advisor all with the hopes of winning the chance to pitch their series to Disney Animation Studios… 

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Fulton College Group

A proposed development plan for managers and leaders.

In this task, Jeremy was asked to synthesize key concepts learned within his MSML program and then apply them by developing a management and leadership development program for a real-world business entity…

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Take One Tips & Tricks

A soft offering instead of a hard sell.

During a summer that for many schools and organizations represented significant loss and set-back, with the release of a new online content series and virtual camp, HCLA hoped to see a significant increase in social media followers, register more students for its virtual camp than for any its previous in-person versions, and retain a higher percentage of its returning student body...

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Design & Build

Sets and Stage brought from page to performance.

Independently and as Creative Director of DiscoveryOnstage, Jeremy encountered the need to imagine not only programs and curriculum but physical spaces as well. An experienced set designer, builder, and scenic painter, he collaborated with clients and students to create creative landscapes in which to work… 

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(213) 948-7450